Customers Appreciate ‘Made in Portugal’

The Portuguese government is campaigning for products ‘Made in Portugal’, in order to increase domestic demand. Soldirecto followed the call and started mass-producing solar thermal collectors this year. The company, which was founded two and a half years ago, is based in Vendas Novas near Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. The five-person team purchases laser-welded absorbers from Germany and assembles the collectors in a local factory. “With around 50 different brands, the solar thermal market in Portugal is a very...
Soldirecto: novidade no sector da energia solar térmica

A Soldirecto, fabricante nacional de colectores solares térmicos, apresenta-se no mercado com o seu painel VH 2.1 Selectivo. Trata-se de uma solução inovadora na área da energia solar térmica, referente ao aquecimento de águas sanitárias, piscinas e outras aplicações.